Monday, May 4, 2009

How My Ankle Turned Purple!

So last Friday, I went for a run out by the lake.
And I am on my way.
Left--Right --Left--Right--,
and then my ankle gave out.
In a split second, I found myself on the ground with blood coming from my left hand and right knee. I wondered if I had broken my ankle.
I freaked out.
For a second...
Then I told myself to take a deep breath, and I tried to get up because I was alone, except for my oblivious dog. Also, I had stupidly opted to venture out without my cell phone.
So I got up, and discovered I could walk (sorta).
At this point, I figured I could count on an adrenaline rush of some kind to numb the pain and get me to a phone; however,
As I am hobbling along, I quickly become out of breath...
Finally I see a woman and from a distance ask her if she has a phone...
Of course the answer is No. And she keeps her distance like I have the plague; she doesn't even show an ounce of concern.
I was very obviously bleeding, out of breath, and my ankle left ankle had swelled to twice the circumference of my right. Come On Lady!!!
But I did have my dog... maybe she was afraid.
By this point, I was in an area with houses, and I was able to find a woman getting into her car. Though she told me she was scared of my dog, she brought me a phone and water. I proceeded to call my Dad, and then lied down on the woman's lawn.
Being the premed that I am, I assessed my current state.
I felt as though I had asthma for some reason, and my pulse was slow and hard. I seemed to be in shock, and it sucked.
Although this experience was scary, my Dad did eventually come to my aide and I did immediately take 6 aspirin when I got home.
Now my ankle is purple, and my knee is in shambles.
Luckily, it turns out I have only moderately sprained my ankle.
What I find most interesting about the experience, is in all the times I have been out with my dog, no one has ever acted or said they were afraid of him. And then all of a sudden everyone I cross upon has a severe canine phobia!
I know this is not that website, but, F*** MY LIFE!!!

At first I was afraid I was petrified...
I will survive, I will survive.
Hey! Hey!

My vicious dog: